
What is Eros? Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival | 7 – 23 June | Press Release

What is Eros?

What is Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival?

Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival [TQAF] is a grassroots initiative that sets out to alter deeply en- trenched misconceptions and prejudices toward the queer and LGBT community through artistic and cultural practices. The festival was founded by Tomas Diafas, together with a dedicated team of volun- teers, who endeavour to provide queer artists with a platform to investigate sociocultural phenomena relating to queer identities and experiences. TQAF has been formed through collaborations in which our team has collectively curated the festival programme.

The festival is driven by the belief that art has the power to open new avenues of communication as well as serve as a bridge between a diverse array of individuals and social groups. TQAF aims to fos- ter dialogues and develop alternative methods for addressing social discrimination.

TQAF will offer a rich 16-day programme of activities. Artists, researchers, educators, performers, mu- sicians, and activists will come from all over the world to give us their insight into what is Queer, what is eros and how we operate within a society as being-in-love queers.

Why Thessaloniki?

Thessaloniki is strategically located between the Balkans, Turkey and the Middle East, regions where LGBT and queer communities are often marginalised. As we develop strategies for addressing preju- dice and resistance to queer inclusiveness in Greece, TQAF will serve as a political and inspirational link to neighbouring societies. As a breeding ground for queer discourse and artistic creation, we hope that the festival’s impact will extend beyond the borders of Greece.

Festival Programme

TQAF will take place from 7 – 23 June, 2019 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The programme will be com- prised of a range of exciting artistic and illuminating discussions, exhibitions, workshops, perform- ances, public interventions, educational seminars, film screenings and events. While last year’s edition of TQAF featured a 3-day preview exhibition that explored the question, ‘what is queer?’, this year’s TQAF will investigate ‘what is eros?’ over a 16-day period. The festival’s programme will be hosted in several local organisations, including our co-organiser MOMus – Experimental Center for the Arts, as well as Bensousan Han, Facta Non Verba, FIX in Art, Labattoir, Ypsilon and other open air venues across Thessaloniki.

Discussions: The discussions will take place over the course of the festival and will involve the public as well as educators, artists and activists in discussions on queerness, eros and the arts. Coordinated by Tomas Diafas.

Exhibition: 44 artists from Greece and abroad participate in this exhibition, which is part of the Thessa- loniki Queer Arts Festival, and is titled “What is Eros?” The artists use different expressive media, such as painting, sculpture, photography, installation and performance in order to examine fluidity and free- dom, to pose questions about identity, sex and sexuality in art. The selection of artists happened through an open call that was announced in December 2018 and closed on 14 February 2019. The over 400 applications by individual artists and collectives that were received brought the demand for immediate and disruptive dialogue to the forefront.Curated by Eirini Papakonstantinou – curator at MOMus – Experimental Centre for the Arts.

Workshops: Workshops will be artist-led and will span a wide range of media. For deeper engagement regarding the spectrum of perspectives on Eros and its impact, TQAF will be offering a range of work- shops that will pay tribute to our vulnerable bodies. Creating an honest and safe space, the workshops will explore the poetry that is encoded in myths that create queer futures; will reveal erotic potentials within the urban landscape to produce transformative mappings of lust; and will courageously uncover the most intimate details of passionate relationships that rewrite the rules of desire. Coordinated by Tomas Diafas and Maria Juliana Byck.

Performances: A stimulating selection of performances will take place between FIX in Art’s theatre and MOMus – Experimental Center for the Arts. The performances will take shape in many forms and will dramatise various experiences and understandings of queer desire and eros. Curated and coordinat- ed by Eirini Papakonstantinou and Tomas Diafas.

Public Interventions: The public interventions will take place all around the city and in open air venues. The public interventions will bring the festival to the streets of Thessaloniki to reveal Eros as an all-con- suming force whilst intermingling with the stories and experiences of city dwellers. Playful, sponta- neous and unexpected social interventions as well as more controversial and risqué provocations will challenge, inspire and spark dialogue amongst neighbours and strangers. Coordinated by Tomas Di- afas and Maria Juliana Byck.

Educational Seminars: TQAF will feature a selection of educational events and seminars that aim to bring together educators to discuss LGBTQ+ issues at local schools. Coordinated by Tomas Diafas.

Film Screenings: The film screenings will take place in the Old Slaughterhouse (Palea Sfageia) of Thessaloniki and will be hosted by the Labbatoir project. TQAF will feature a selection of international short films and documentary films throughout the festival run. The films selected explore themes such as discovering love through self-acceptance, motherhood and familial dynamics. Some of the films are political in nature, while others enquire into sex, desire and how the queer relationships engender love within conventional communities. Curated by Evi Minou, Magda Vaz, and Annie Tsevdomaria in collab- oration with Balkan Can Kino.

Events: The events will take place at Ypsilon and other venues around Thessaloniki. TQAF will feature a range of events including dance and theatre performances, poetry readings, music concerts. Coordi- nated by Tomas Diafas.

Please find the festival programme below –

For press images / press enquiries, please contact Dominic Sylvia Lauren (Press & Communications Coordinator):

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#TQAF2019 #whatiseros



Έκθεση Εικαστικών | Visual Arts Exhibition MOMus – Πειραματικό Κέντρο Τεχνών | MOMus – Experimental Center for the Arts 7-23 Ιουνίου | June Επιμέλεια: Ειρήνη Παπακωνσταντίνου | Curated by Eirini Papakonstantinou

A23-Nectar, Άγγελος Απλά | Just Aggelos, Βασίλης Αλεξάνδρου | Vasilis Alexandrou, Βαγγέλης Αρβανίτης | Vagelis Arvanitis, Μαρία Βοζαλή | Maria Vozali, Tania Bohuslavska, Χρήστος Γκενούδης | Christos Genoudis, Lisa Caligagan, Samantha Conlon, T-Dog eX-treme, Michael Gurhy, Nathan Hall, Shir Handelsman, Ανό Θεοδώρογλου | Ano Theodoroglou, Μαριάννα Ιγνατάκη | Marianna Ignataki, Danny Jarratt, Φανή Κατσούρα | Fani Katsoura, Χρήστος Κυριαζίδης | Christos Kyriazidis, Φουστί Λαμέ | Fousti Lame, Fabian Landewee, Μαρία Λέτσιου | Maria Letsiou, Μυρτώ Μακρίδου | Myrto Makridou, Χρήστος Μαυροδής | Christos Mavrodis, Fallon Mayanja, Αλεξάνδρα Νάκου | Alexandra Nakou, Δημήτρης Νεοκλέους | Demetris Neokleous, Αλέξανδρος Ντούρας | Alexandros Ntouras, Arvin Ombika, Thomas Anthony Owen & Kentaro Kumanomido, Λίνα Παπαγεωργίου | Lina Papageorgiou, Διονύσιος Πάππας | Dionisios Pappas, Σέργιος Πάππας | Sergios Pappas, Moreno Perna, Asparagus Plumosa, Marilou Poncin, Studio Προκοπίου (Phillip Προκοπίου & Πάνος Ποιμενίδης | Phillip Prokopiou & Panos Poimenidis), Σπύρος Rennt | Spyros Rennt, Ανδριάνα Ροδάκου | An- driana Rodakou, Γιάννης Σαχπάζης & Γιώργος Καλύβης | Yiannis Sachpazis & Giorgos Kalyvis, Μενέλας Σιάφακας | Menelas Siafakas, Όλγα Σιμώνη | Olga Simoni, Maaike Stutterheim, Kate Spence & Michael Light- borne, Φαίδρα Χαραλαμπίδου | Faidra Charalampidou, Μαΐτα Χατζηιωαννίδου | Maita Chatziioanidou

ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑ | WORKSHOPS (απαραίτητη η δήλωση συμμετοχής | registration required, περισσότερες πληροφορίες | for more information & Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival ) Επιμέλεια: Θωμάς Διάφας & Maria Juliana Byck | Curated by Tomas Diafas & Maria Juliana Byck

8 Ιουνίου | June, 12:00-14:00 Άννα Μπονάρου | Anna Bonarou Dare to Stitch Facta Non Verba

9 Ιουνίου | June, 14:00-18:00 KUIR Ποιητική του Queer Τραύματος | Poetics of Queer Trauma MOMus – Πειραματικό Κέντρο Τεχνών | MOMus – Experimental Center for the Arts 

10-11-12 Ιουνίου | June, 13:00-16:00

Edegar Starke

Κινούμενες Αναμνήσεις | Moving Memories Θέατρο Fix in Art | Fix in Art Theater

10 Ιουνίου | June, 16:00-19:30 Εβίνα Γιαννούλη Θέατρο Φόρουμ-Θέατρο των Ερωτευμένων Καταπιεσμένων | Forum Theatre-Theatre of the Oppressed ’n love Facta Non Verba

11 Ιουνίου | June, 20:00-23:00 Βασίλης Αλεξάνδρου Ακατάλληλο Μάθημα | Vasilis Alexandou, Inappropriate Course, Queer Edition Bensousan Han

15 Ιουνίου | June, 11:00-13:00 Damiano Fina Queer Παιδαγωγική, ο Χορός του Έρωτα και του Θανάτου | Queer Pedagogy, The Dance of Eros & Thanatos Facta Non Verba

15 Ιουνίου | June, 11:00-17:00 Athens Subsumption Ψωνίζοντας στην Ερωτική Πόλη | Cruising in the Erotic City | Ύψιλον | Ypsilon | Εκδήλωση συμμετοχής | registration required 

16 Ιουνίου | June, 14:00-18:00 KUIR Η Ποιητική της QUEER Μυθολογίας | The Poetics of QUEER Mythology MOMus – Πειραματικό Κέντρο Τεχνών | MOMus – Experimental Center for the Arts | Eκδήλωση συμμετοχής | registration required 

21 Ιουνίου | June, 12:00-16:00 Asparagus Plumosa Zine Εργαστήριο | Zine Workshop Facta Non Verba

20-21 Ιουνίου | June, 17:00-20:00 Facta Non Verba Ο έρωτας και η Σάρα Κέιν (θεατρικό σεμινάριο πάνω στις έμφυλες ταυτότητες και τον έρωτα) | Love and Sarah Kane (theatrical seminar on gender, identity and love) Facta Non Verba


Επιμέλεια: Θωμάς Διάφας & Ειρήνη Παπακωνσταντίνου | Curated by Tomas Diafas & Eirini Papakonstantinou

11 Ιουνίου | June, 20:00-21:00 Edegar Starke Η Παιδική Ηλικία που κράτησα για Εμένα | The Childhood I kept to Myself Θέατρο Fix in Art | Fix in Art Theater

11 Ιουνίου | June, 20:00-21:00 Angry Feminists Λάθη (ErROrS) Θέατρο Fix in Art | Fix in Art Theater

13 Ιουνίου | June, 21:00-22:00 Ayşenur Babuna Selanik: KUIRεύοντας την πιο Ερωτική Πόλη | Selanik: Kuiring The Most Erotic City MOMus – Πειραματικό Κέντρο Τεχνών | MOMus – Experimental Center for the Arts

14 Ιουνίου | June, 19:30-21:30 Atina Kolektifi Η Αγάπη και το Πήδημα | Loving and Fucking Θέατρο Fix in Art | Fix in Art Theater

14 Ιουνίου | June, 21:00-22:00 Achim Wieland & Μάριος Ιωάννου | Achim Wieland & Marios Ioannou Τελετή Τσαγιού | Tea Ceremony MOMus – Πειραματικό Κέντρο Τεχνών | MOMus – Experimental Center for the Arts

15-16 Ιουνίου | June, 11:00-18:45 Πέτρος Κονναρής | Petros Konaris Φιλί ή Άγγιγμα | Kiss or Touch MOMus – Πειραματικό Κέντρο Τεχνών | MOMus – Experimental Center for the Arts (με δήλωση συμμετοχής στο | booking required 2310 593 270)

16 Ιουνίου | June, 20:00-21:00 Joseph Morgan Schofield Ο Σκοπός είναι να μην πετάξουμε ποτέ | The Purpose is Never to Fly MOMus – Πειραματικό Κέντρο Τεχνών | MOMus – Experimental Center for the Arts

20 Ιουνίου | June, 10:00-22:00 Θοδωρής Κυψελίδης | Thodoris Kypselidis Διάσταση 2,3,4 | Dimension 2,3,4 MOMus – Πειραματικό Κέντρο Τεχνών | MOMus – Experimental Center for the Arts

21 Ιουνίου | June, 18:00-20:00 Αιμιλία Ευθυμίου | Aimilia Efthimiou Γίνε ο δικός σου Προφήτης | Become your own Fortune Teller RSVP στο | in Instagram: @art_vulgaris

21 Ιουνίου | June, 21:00-22:00 Ezra Jude Creek Goddess, Loam Love MOMus – Πειραματικό Κέντρο Τεχνών | MOMus – Experimental Center for the Arts

ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΣ ΠΑΡΕΜΒΑΣΕΙΣ | PUBLIC INTERVENTIONS Επιμέλεια: Θωμάς Διάφας & Maria Juliana Byck | Curated by Tomas Diafas & Maria Juliana Byck

15 Ιουνίου | June, 21:00-22:00 Damiano Fina Queer Παιδαγωγική, ο Χορός του Έρωτα και του Θανάτου | Queer Pedagogy, The Dance of Eros & Thanatos Μακεδονικής Αμύνης 5 (περιοχή Ρωμαικής Αγοράς) | 5 Makedonikis Aminis Str. (Roman Agora area)

16 Ιουνίου | June, 12:00 Rui Fonseca The Forgotten Hottie Στην πόλη… | In the city…

ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΕΙΣ ΛΟΓΟΥ | TALKS Επιμέλεια: Θωμάς Διάφας & Maria Juliana Byck | Curated by Tomas Diafas & Maria Juliana Byck

15 Ιουνίου | June, 17:00-17:30 Νάιρα Στεργίου & Εριφύλη Βενέρη | Naira Stergiou & Erifily Veneri Καβάφης – Ιόλας: Απολαύσεις της Μνήμης, των Αισθήσεων και της Φιλοσοφίας | Kavafis – Iolas: Pleasures of Memory, Senses and Philosophy | Ypsilon

19 Ιουνίου | June, 21:00-23:00 KUIR KUIR Βραδιά Ποίησης | Poetry Night


ΠΡΟΒΟΛΕΣ ΦΙΛΜ | FILM SCREENINGS 10-11 Ιουνίου | June, 20:00-00:00

Labattoir – Παλιά Δημοτικά Σφαγεία | Old Slaughterhouses Επιμέλεια: Εύη Μίνου, Magda Vaz, Άννη Τσεβδομαρία | Curated by Evi Minou, Magda Vaz, Annie Tsevdo- maria

Sandra Araújo (s4ra), Katharine Doyle, Karachi, Kristian Nemeth, Fenel Gioia Maini, Χρήστος Βασιλειάδης | Christos Vasileiadis, Βασίλης Πολυμέρης | Vasilis Polymeris, Marina Rebbeka, Άννη Τσεβδομαρία | Annie Tsevdomaria, Erik Alkema, Erin Hampson, Lara Bochmann, Sam Hultin, Sid and Geri (Jasmine Lee), Aoi Swiming & Mikio Saito, Callum Harper, Εύα Γιαννακοπούλου & Περσεφόνη Μύρτσου | Eva Giannakopoulou & Perse- foni Myrtsou, Dakota Gearhart, Nicky Miller, Alex Freiheit, Δέσποινα Σαχπάζη | Despoina Sachpazi, Βιργινία Μαστρογιαννάκη & Jason Καραϊνδρος | Virginia Mastrogiannaki & Jason Karaindros

Επιμέλεια: Balkan Can Kino | Curated by Balkan Can Kino Γιώργος Δανόπουλος | Giorgos Danopoulos, Sabrina Muhate, Andrea Perez Su, Brenda Jorde, Tamara Scerbak, Λαμπρινή Λουκαίδη | Lamprini Loukaidi, Ella Bee Glendining, Michelle Verhoeks, Cristina García Zar- zosa, Colectivo Vlop Cinema & Jennifer Nocole, Bianca Caderas, Emily Jenkins & Justin Black, Luana Larissa, Christina Sarli, Katerina Stella Rosen, Δήμητρα Μητσάκη & Kristin Mudra | Dimitra Mitsaki & Kristin Mudra


6 Ιουνίου | June, 21:30-23:00 Revery Blue Barrel

23 Ιουνίου | June, 22:00-00:00 Krista Papista Ύψιλον | Ypsilon

Στοιχεία Επικοινωνίας

Thessaloniki Queer Arts Festival Τηλ. +30 690 618 5155

MOMus – Πειραματικό Κέντρο Τεχνών Αποθήκη B1, Λιμάνι Θεσσαλονίκης, Ελλάδα Tηλ. +30 2310 593 270

Μπενσουσάν Χαν Εδέσσης 6, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα Tηλ. +30 6984 244 577

Blue Barrel Δόξης 5, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα Tηλ. 2314 009 130

Facta Non Verba Βαλαωρίτου 18, 7ος όροφος, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα

ΦΙΞ in art 26ης Οκτωβρίου 15, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα Tηλ. +30 2310 500 034

Labattoir 26ης Οκτωβρίου 86, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα Tηλ. +30 2310 536 573

NAGÔ Ολύμπου 57, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα

Spectroom Γκαρμπολά 6, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα Tηλ. +30 2310 233 757

Ύψιλον Εδέσσης 5, Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα Τηλ. +30 2310 530 480